Moore Park Improvements

Proposed Public Improvement Historic Downtown


Project cost


Local Investment


Grant Funds

This project will continue to implement the suggestions set forth in the Westfield Connections plan for Moore Park. The ideas are based on a concept of the park that organizes the overall park space into three primary character areas. These include: 1) Public Garden 2) Museum Garden 3) Westfield Commons.

The Public Garden idea evolved from two functions of the park: the park provides an important visual setting for Main Street and especially at the intersection of Main and Portage Streets; and the park provides a collection of trees and shrubs that generate horticultural / seasonal interest for the village center area. These two functions along with a desire from the community to enhance the visual character of Main Street generated the idea of a public garden for Moore Park.

A unique feature of Moore Park is the presence of the historic McClurg Mansion and indeed, the Park itself owes its existence to the lands of this regional landmark. The building and the museum it houses provide not only a valuable community and regional resource but also a wonderful opportunity to enhance the richness of the park through the landscape that was historically part of the its setting.

The land that connects and ties together the two gardens, and to a larger extent, ties together adjacent neighborhoods surrounding the park, is what is herein defined as the Westfield Commons. This is the general-use land that offers park space for both individual use, larger public gatherings and pathways to enter the park and traverse the park to adjoining parts of the village. On the plan, this area is roughly a crescent  shaped area denoted by the blue dots and includes the existing Gazebo/Bandstand, angled walkway, playground adjacent to the church and open lawn areas.

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17-49 South Portage Street