The Lincoln Festival, last held in 2004, is returning! There will be Civil War re-enactors, the McClurg Mansion Gala, Pancake Breakfast with Lincoln, Lunch with Lincoln, a beard contest, look alike contest, recreation of the meeting of Grace Bedell and Abe Lincoln, St. Peters Episcopal Church provides lunch on Saturday for a donation, and on Sunday morning at 10:00 they will have an authentic Civil War service with brunch to follow. Lincoln will do a speech from the steps of the McClurg; businesses are encouraged to offer enticements such as a coloring contest for children, pass out balloons or coupons, guessing games like how many pennies in a jar, and participate in the scavenger hunt word contest. Dress in Civil War era clothing to add to the atmosphere!
The Historical Society, St. Peters Episcopal Church, Patterson Library, YWCA, Lake Shore Center for the Arts, Westfield Beautification, 9th NY Calvary and the Westfield Barcelona Chamber of Commerce are working together to bring this event to town.
East Main Street
Westfield, NY 14787
United States