Downtown Streetscape Improvements

The Westfield Connections Plan reflects a significant planning effort to improve the roads and streets throughout the town. Certain portions of the plan, including upgrades to the Village Parking lot, have already been partially implemented. This project would implement additional improvements, including sidewalks, lighting, and other improvements as detailed in the Westfield Connections Plan.

Moore Park Improvements

This project will continue to implement the suggestions set forth in the Westfield Connections plan for Moore Park. The ideas are based on a concept of the park that organizes the overall park space into three primary character areas. These include: 1) Public Garden 2) Museum Garden 3) Westfield Commons.

Indoor Multi-use Recreation Facility

The new 300’ x 150’ Indoor Multi-Use Recreation Facility will include a turf field for indoor soccer, softball, baseball, lacrosse, flag football, etc. and a hard-surface court for basketball, volleyball, roller skating, concerts, movies, and other civic events. With the current need and desire for indoor activity opportunities and special event space, and no comparable facility within 35 or more miles in any direction, the proposed development will go a long way to satisfy these needs and desires.

Barcelona Harbor Boardwalk

The Barcelona Harbor is a beautiful place, however, more than anything it suffers from the manner in which its key assets are divided and its lack of pedestrian connectivity and maneuverability. In response to this painfully obvious issue, various planning documents have called for the installation of a boardwalk, allowing for easy and safe walkability between the Southern beach, restaurant, marina, lighthouse, parking area, and northern beach area.

Main Street Parking Lot

The project will repair the Clinton and Market Street parking lots that service downtown businesses, including installation of new stormwater drainage, concrete sidewalks and curbs, LED lighting, EV charging stations, and new asphalt pavement and striping.