Farmers' & Artisans' Market

Every summer Saturday, shoppers find locally grown produce, fresh eggs, pork, beef, chicken, honey and maple syrup, jam, jelly, and baked goods. Rounding out the offerings are Amish baskets, locally produced salsa and dressings, handmade clothing, purses, throw rugs, jewelry, stained glass, paintings, craft items and the published literary works by local authors. Prepared foods suitable for breakfast and lunch and hot and cold beverages are also available.

Farmers' & Artisans' Market

Every summer Saturday, shoppers find locally grown produce, fresh eggs, pork, beef, chicken, honey and maple syrup, jam, jelly, and baked goods. Rounding out the offerings are Amish baskets, locally produced salsa and dressings, handmade clothing, purses, throw rugs, jewelry, stained glass, paintings, craft items and the published literary works by local authors. Prepared foods suitable for breakfast and lunch and hot and cold beverages are also available.

Farmers' & Artisans' Market

Every summer Saturday, shoppers find locally grown produce, fresh eggs, pork, beef, chicken, honey and maple syrup, jam, jelly, and baked goods. Rounding out the offerings are Amish baskets, locally produced salsa and dressings, handmade clothing, purses, throw rugs, jewelry, stained glass, paintings, craft items and the published literary works by local authors. Prepared foods suitable for breakfast and lunch and hot and cold beverages are also available.

Farmers' & Artisans' Market

Every summer Saturday, shoppers find locally grown produce, fresh eggs, pork, beef, chicken, honey and maple syrup, jam, jelly, and baked goods. Rounding out the offerings are Amish baskets, locally produced salsa and dressings, handmade clothing, purses, throw rugs, jewelry, stained glass, paintings, craft items and the published literary works by local authors. Prepared foods suitable for breakfast and lunch and hot and cold beverages are also available.

Farmers' & Artisans' Market

Every summer Saturday, shoppers find locally grown produce, fresh eggs, pork, beef, chicken, honey and maple syrup, jam, jelly, and baked goods. Rounding out the offerings are Amish baskets, locally produced salsa and dressings, handmade clothing, purses, throw rugs, jewelry, stained glass, paintings, craft items and the published literary works by local authors. Prepared foods suitable for breakfast and lunch and hot and cold beverages are also available.

Westfield Rec. Dept. Open Pickleball

There is pickleball TONIGHT from 7:00-9:00 INSIDE at Eason Hall in Westfield. Please spread the word! Our adult pickleball group meets on most Monday evenings at Eason Hall from 7:00-9:00. Participants do NOT need to sign up, they can just show up to play. We have a few spare paddles if you need to borrow one.

Please note that in light of COVID-19, we are asking that everyone cooperate with the rules below. We appreciate everyone's patience and flexibility during these tricky times and we are super PUMPED to be back playing indoor pickleball!!