Knit & Knatter Club

Knitter Knatter Club is open to everyone. Bring your knitting, crocheting, or quilting, and come enjoy some time with others who share your interest. We are open to beginners! This happens in the Main Reading Room every Tuesday from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


Makerspace Monday's

Every Monday from 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM come down to the new John W. Ellison Memorial Mobile Makerspace at Patterson Library to learn, explore, create and make! We have a 3D Printer, an Apple i-Mac, lots of kits and books on how to make cool stuff and things!

Elder Law for Caregivers

The Center for Elder Law and Justice, along with COI’s Alzheimer’s Services, are providing an informational seminar on Elder Law for caregivers at the Westfield Patterson Library. During this seminar, caregivers can learn about:

  • Health Care Advocacy
  • Power of Attorneys
  • Health Care Proxies
  • Elder Abuse Prevention
  • Income Maintenance
  • Identify Theft and Scam Prevention

Light refreshments will be available. 

You must RSVP to attend this seminar. 

2020 Indoor Youth Soccer Signups

Registrations for the Northwest Chautauqua Indoor Youth Soccer League for area boys and girls will be held the 3rd & 4th weeks of January. The season starts in February and will continue through early-April. Games are on Saturdays. Signups are for children in pre-kindergarten through 8th grade.

Age Groups:


-1st through 3rd Grades

-3rd through 5th Grades

-6th through 8th Grades