YWCA Whole Health Series

Whole Health Program Series at the YWCA Westfield. 8 Months - 8 Core Topics - Takes place Every third Wednesday at 6:30 PM at the YWCA Westfield.

January - Stay Strong, Stay Young - Set realistic exercise goals to sustain you through 2020!

Next Topics in the YWCA Whole Health Series:
Fasting February
Sleep Better, Recharge Longer
Laugh Away Your Stress
Recommit to Success

$5 each month to attend

YWCA Whole Health Series

Whole Health Program Series at the YWCA Westfield. 8 Months - 8 Core Topics - Takes place Every third Wednesday at 6:30 PM at the YWCA Westfield.

December - Financial health - Write a personal business plan - Just in time for the New Year!

Next Topics in the YWCA Whole Health Series:
Stay Strong, Stay Young
Fasting February
Sleep Better, Recharge Longer
Laugh Away Your Stress
Recommit to Success

$5 each month to attend

YWCA Whole Health Series

Whole Health Program Series at the YWCA Westfield. 8 Months - 8 Core Topics - Takes place Every third Wednesday at 6:30 PM at the YWCA Westfield.

November - How to deal with the stress of being a caregiver - Learn how to make time for yourself even as you "care - give"

Next Topics in the YWCA Whole Health Series:
Financial Health
Stay Strong, Stay Young
Fasting February
Sleep Better, Recharge Longer
Laugh Away Your Stress
Recommit to Success

$5 each month to attend

YWCA Whole Health Series

Whole Health Program Series at the YWCA Westfield. 8 Months - 8 Core Topics - Takes place Every third Thursday at 6:30 PM at the YWCA Westfield.

Kicks off October 16th with "Eat Better, Eat Together" - How to make eating together a daily part of your family's routine again and local options for eating well.

November through May 2020 will offer:

Women Empowered through STEAM Manufacturing Technology Institute Talk

Patterson Library in conjunction with the YWCA of Westfield proudly presents our new grant funded program (with funding made possible through the generous support of the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation): Women Empowered through STEAM or W.E.S.

Come hear Brent Harkness and Jeffrey Teluk talk about the many educational programs available at MTI, and the Workforce Development Scholarship to help ease the financial burden of attendance.

Community Connections Night

Patterson Library hosts it's second annual Community Connections Night (a new version of new neighbor night) to welcome old and new neighbors, businesses, and agencies to the area to learn about all of the community resources, and for businesses to allow sampling of their wares, and our municipal officials and other agency heads to talk about the programs and services available in our beautiful town and village. Free and open to the public.

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Makerspace Monday's

Every Monday from 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM come down to the new John W. Ellison Memorial Mobile Makerspace at Patterson Library to learn, explore, create and make! We have a 3D Printer, an Apple i-Mac, lot's of kits and books on how to make cool stuff and things!