News & Updates

       YWCA of Westfield           
       Wilson Auto store from 1937, when it was called Wilson & Benson.           
       James McClurg           
       A page from the first record book of the Village of Westfield from 1833 showing the results of the first election held to elect officers including the President, which was the title of the Mayor until changed by NY State law in 1927.           
       Westfield’s Old Academy, built 1837, photo circa 1860s – courtesy of Patterson Library           
       Patterson Library           
       Knowlton Mansion, aka Holt House, circa 1898, that was located on the north side of East Main Street between Pearl and Holt streets, where Top’s is currently (2018) located. This home, built in 1855, has been identified as a station on the Underground Railroad in Westfield. Photo courtesy Patterson Library Archives           
       The Art of Seeing           
       Fall Local Youth Soccer Signups           
       2018 Little League State Tournament Team           
       YWCA Arts & Crafts Festival           
       Group photo taken 7-8-18 at Ottaway Park: Back row left to right: Dave Turner (driver), Ron Blackmer (driver), Wally Howser (son of driver Jim Howser), John Swartout (son of original builder and owner of Coon Road Speedway, Joel Swartout), Skip Furlow (driver), Bill Catania (builder of #18 replica race car). Front row left to right: Emma Strain (widow of driver Don Strain), Ken See (driver), Al Brumagin (driver), Russ Weise (driver), Ray Sonnenberg (driver), Sean Hardy (current property owner of the site of           
       Bus Trip to Philadelphia & Pennsylvania Amishlands Flyer