The Town Government is run by the Town Board as the Executive, Administrative and Legislative body of the Town. All meetings are open to the public and citizens are encouraged to attend.
First Wednesday of every month, 7:30 p.m.
The Town Supervisor of the Town of Westfield hereby calls for a Special Meeting for Thursday March 20th at 8:00am in the North Room of Eason Hall at 23 Elm Street, Westfield NY.
The Board will consider a revision to the Order Calling for a Public Hearing for the East Route 5 Water Benefit District Phase 2 to include NYS EFC,WIIA grant funding in the amount of $555,600 and the acceptance of the revised Map, Plan, and Report.
By The Order of the Town Supervisor
Town Clerk- Andrea L. Babcock-03/18/2025
Martha R. Bills, Supervisor
Dr. David S. Brown, Deputy Supervisor / Councilmember
David Spann, Councilmember
James Herbert, Councilmember
William Northrop, Councilmember