Village Main line 716-347-9050 Option #2
Contact the Village Code Officer Dan Hogg at 716-954-0159 (preferably via
text) or email:
Tuesday & Friday 9:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Saturdays by Appointment
Village Main line 716-347-9050 Option #2
For Zoning Enforcement matters, please contact Zoning Officer, Rob Genthner
@ email:
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday 7:00-3:00 p.m.
All permit applications (printable from the Village website) can be accepted
via email, fax, USPS or dropbox/mailslots and in person by appointment.
Please phone for fee information. Only complete applications with payment
can be processed.
Building Permits:
In an effort to serve our community we will be accepting building permit applications via email, USPS and the Village or Town Drop boxes and in person by appointment.
Contact Information
Zoning Enforcement Matters: Rob Genthner
716-326-4961 or
Building Code Enforcement Matters: Dan Hogg
text: 716-954-0159
Eason Hall
23 Elm Street
Westfield, NY 14787
The Office of Code Enforcement maintains a high degree of responsibility and commitment to the ever-changing and constant updating of code language and laws in the Fire and Building Codes, as well as local Zoning law. It is the responsibility of the local municipalities in New York State to adopt and enforce the New York State Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, Property Maintenance, Fuel Gas, Energy conservation and Residential Codes 2020. New York State adopted this family of Codes in of May 2020 as an official member of the International Code family. This means, that with very little enhanced changes specific to New York State, the building code is the same nationwide.
One popular misconception is that this newly adopted code was written for large municipalities such as New York City. The truth is, New York City has it’s own set of building code regulations separate from the rest of the state. This means, the regulation required by the building code is the same in Westfield, as it is in Albany, which is the same in Watertown.
The duties and powers of the Code Enforcement Officer are listed in detail under §85-5. Duties & Powers of the Code Enforcement Officer, Chapter 85 Fire Prevention & Building Construction, of the Village of Westfield Code.
The duties and powers of the Zoning Officer are listed in detail under §155-79. Enforcement, Chapter 155 Zoning, of the Village of Westfield Code.
Building Permit Fee Schedule
One & Two Family Homes - $.10 per sq. ft. Includes Mobile Homes and Factory Manufactured Homes.
Multi-Family Residences - $.10 sq. ft. plus $100 for final inspection and Certificate of Occupancy.
Accessory Use Structures - Garages, Storage Buildings, Carports, etc. Building Permit cost includes the Certificate of Occupancy fee.
- under 150 sq. ft. - no charge, no permit required (must comply with International Codes and set-back requirements).
- All others - $..10 sq. ft, minimum fee $50.00.
Roofs (Tear-off or cover over) - $25.00
Swimming Pools - $50.00. In-ground and above-ground; Building Permit cost also includes electric permit and the Certificate of Occupancy fee.
Signs - $50.00. See sign law; Zoning).
Electric Permit - $50.00. Required for all extensions, additions and repairs of electrical service.
Residential Conversions, alterations, additions, repairs - $50.00 or $.10 per sq. ft., whichever is greater.
Fences & Walls - $50.00. Non-agricultural, intended to prevent passage and/or provide privacy. Building Permit cost includes Certificate of Compliance fee.
Solid Fuel Burning Appliances - $50.00. Building permit cost includes Certificate of Compliance fee.
Demolition Permit - $50.00. A Demolition Permit shall not be required when a "Legal Violation Order" or any legal order to demolish and remove is in effect.
Permit Renewals - $50.00 or 50% of the Renewal of Permit granted only, if application original permit fee is made prior to expiration of original permit. Otherwise, the full fee is required.
Requested Inspections - $25.00 per hour ($25.00 minimum charge)
Certificate of Occupancy - $100.00 when no Building Permit is in effect (applies to all structures, residential and commercial).
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - $100.00 (Valid for 6 months or less)
Commercial Structures - Building Permit Fees for commercial structures shall be based upon the estimated ‘cost of construction’. The cost of construction includes all labor and materials. If written cost estimates cannot be obtained, computation of the applicable fees shall be based upon the following:
The average commercial construction cost per square foot in accordance with the proposed use, construction type, materials, local labor costs, and other data as may be obtained and documented from local builders, contractors, suppliers, and/or other sources. Final determination of the estimated cost of construction shall be made by the Building Inspector/Enforcement Officer or his designated agent.
- $0 to $25,000 - $75.00 fee plus $5.00 for each $1000 or fraction thereof of total value.
- $25,001 to $50,000 - $250 fee plus $5.00 for each $1000 or fraction thereof of value over $25,000.
- $50,001 to $100,000 - $450 fee plus $2.50 for each $1000 or fraction thereof of value over $50,000.
- $100,001 and up - $650 fee plus $2.50 for each $1000 or fraction over $100,000.
Truss Identification (NYS Mandate) - $75.00 per project
Required annual fire safety inspections - $35.00. Places of public assembly, etc. If a violation is found, re-inspection feel - $20.00 per each additional inspection
Special Use Permit - $75.00
- 6' fences, Home Occupation, etc., additional/alterations to an existing Special Use
- Cell Towers/Wind Turbines per site - $500.00
- Additional equipment to an existing facility - $500.00
Variance - $100.00
Zoning Review
- Site Plan Review - $75.00
- Minor Subdivision (4 lots or less) - $150.00
- Major Subdivision (5 or more lots) - $250.00 plus $25.00 per lot
When any type of construction work has commenced without first obtaining a Building Permit - an additional $75.00 or 50% of the applicable permit fee, whichever is greater. Applicant may also be subject to fines and penalties as specified in Section 92-6 of the Town of Westfield Code or 155-13 of the Code of the Village of Westfield.
Refunds - all fees are non-refundable. In the event that an application is disapproved or rejected, a refund of 50% (one-half) of the fee paid shall apply providing that no work has commenced.
Payment of Fees - all fees are due and payable to the Town/Village of Westfield upon submission of the Building Permit Application, applicable plans, and specifications.
Waiver of Fees - the Board may, by majority vote at a regular Board Meeting, reduce, alter or waive any fee charged for work performed by any licensed charitable or non-profit agency or organization.
For more detailed information or explanation of the building permit fees, please contact the Building & Code Enforcement Officer at 326-4401
Documents & Forms
Local Law #1-2008 Modifying the B-1 District & Creating the new B1-A District
B-1 Retail Business District Design Guides
Building Permit Application for Large Projects (Residential, Commercial)
Building Permit for Small Projects (pools, decks, etc.)
Special Use Permit Application
Special Use Permit Modification
Zoning Variance Application - Updated Form Added November 1, 2016
Dumpster Permit (free-temporary)