Water Treatment Plant
The Water Department is responsible for providing high quality drinking water to the Village and Town of Westfield. The newer portion of the water plant, constructed in 1995 has the capacity to process 1 million gallons of fresh water per day. Average flows are around 600,000 per day.
Wastewater Treatment Plant
The Wastewater Treatment Plant is designed to treat an average flow of 2.6 million gallons of wastewater daily with capacity to handle peak flow rates of 4,500 gallons per minute. The combined domestic and industrial wastewaters have an estimated strength of 21,800 pounds per day of BOD5 (equivalent to typical domestic sewage from about 104,000 people). Seventy four percent of the overall plant capacity has been allocated to the grape processors. An allowance has also been reserved for future domestic growth in and around the Village and for new industrial uses which would like to come to the area. This planning assures continued plant adequacy for Westfield and its environment well into the foreseeable future.
The Village Waste Treatment Plant is located at Old Hawley Street off of North Portage Street. Construction of this plant was completed in 1977 and a number of improvements have been made since then. Some of the more notable improvements include the Plate and Frame High Pressure Filter Press Biosolids dewatering system and the Ultra Violet disinfection system. . This plant was constructed to meet the peak demand of area grape processors during the early fall. At other times throughout the year, the plant is at less than one-third of its total capacity.
Sanitary Sewer
All sewer lines in Westfield are owned by the Village. The lines extend north into the Town to Forest Park on Route 5. Sewer rates are calculated based on water usage from the water meter and customers are billed bi-monthly along with their water charges. Residents outside the Village are charged one and one-half times the Village rates with the exception of Forest Park.
Contact Information
Erin Schuster, Sr. Water Plant Operator (2A) - Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator (4A)
Lynne Vilardo, Accounting Assistant - Water & Wastewater Treatment
Questions, Problems or Administrative Issues: call (716) 326-2832 or fax (716) 326-2834
Annual Water Quality Report 2023
Annual Water Quality Report 2021
Annual Water Quality Report 2019
Annual Water Quality Report 2018
Annual Water Quality Report 2017
Annual Water Quality Report 2016
Annual Water Quality Report 2015
Annual Water Quality Report 2014