Village Planning Board

The Planning Board meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m. in the North Room of Eason Hall. Under special circumstances, the Planning Board may meet more frequently.

Meeting Schedule

The Planning Board meets the second Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m. in Eason Hall. Under special circumstances, the Board may meet more frequently.


The Planning Board consists of five appointed members and one alternate member and serves the Village as specified in § 7-718 of the New York State Village Law and all other applicable provisions of the Village Law.

The Planning Board is primarily responsible for providing advisory recommendations to the Village Board on matters related to community planning and zoning. Duties relative to recommendations are listed in section § 155-98 of The Village of Westfield Zoning Code.

Optional Reports

The Planning Board shall submit reports within thirty (30) days after referral on any matter referred to it.

Mandatory Recommendations

The Planning Board shall submit recommendations to the appropriate Board on all applications for:

  • Cluster residential development.
  • Mobile home park.
  • Subdivisions, including all supporting materials.
  • Site plan review, providing recommendations for approval or for disapproval as required by this chapter.
  • Mining permits, all supporting materials and reuse plan.
  • Zoning amendments.
  • All zoning issues uses for which referral to the Planning Board is mandatory.



By delegation of the Planning Board, an individual member may make investigations into specific matters currently before the Planning Board, provided that they do not overlap or infringe upon the duties of the Zoning Officer.

Failure to Report

When the Planning Board fails to make a recommendation/report within thirty (30) days from receipt of the request, it shall be deemed that the Planning Board has no opinion on the proposal. The thirty-day requirement may be extended with the permission of the Board making the referral.


The Planning Board is responsible for developing, updating and administering the village subdivision regulations.

The Planning Board is also responsible for reviewing Chapter 155 (Zoning) of the Village of Westfield Code at least every five (5) years and make written recommendations for amendments, should it be necessary.


Don McCord, Chair; Diana Holt (past chair); Rick Mathews, Britt Mead, and Tracy Bennett. Alternate Members Mary Ellen Humphrey and Jamie Johnson.